Nestled within Engomi, this extraordinary endeavor resides in an area rich with history, once adorned by sprawling orchards brimming with citrus fruits and expansive olive groves. This scenic setting stands as a tribute to the region’s bountiful agricultural past.
As a symbol of opulence, this initiative seeks to redefine the benchmarks of refined living. At its core lies a serene sanctuary—a central pool surrounded by 8,000m2 of lush greenery. Extending beyond its luxurious dwellings, it presents inhabitants with an unmatched array of exclusive amenities and services, such as a private rooftop gathering space, café, fitness center, salon, spa, car wash, and even a pet grooming facility. A dedicated concierge caters to every whim, while a private laundry service enhances convenience.
This gated community epitomizes cosmopolitan elegance in the dynamic, burgeoning Engomi district. Engomi stands as a well-established and highly coveted suburb renowned for its prime location, amenities, and overall standard of living. Providing a host of advantages, Engomi ensures a pleasant and fulfilling lifestyle for its denizens.